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Seeking equity, parity and recognition for the Recovery Community on Long Island

Please Lend a Hand


To download the petition
This petition coincides with the F.I.S.T. symposiums taking place throughout the state. Please gathering signatures and also distribute these throughout your networks. Encourage people to pass them on further and print as many as they can and need. Bring them everywhere; to meetings, large gatherings, networking chances, conferences, committees, alumni groups and post anywhere people pass by.
Please have all petitions submitted to Richard Buckman. His contact information is as follows:
Email:[email protected]
Fax: 631-586-1234

for initiatives that remove barriers, end discriminatory practices and improve the quality of life for individuals in recovery and their family members including the establishment of a Recovery Center on Long Island.To encourage legislation that protects children and family members of alcohol- and drug-dependent individuals by ensuring they have unrestricted access to the services they need. To replace the punitive laws by advocating for mandated treatment.

LIRA travels to Albany, Washington DC and Long Island regional offices to meet with our local state and federal, legislators and other officials in order to educate them about areas of importance to our community. Join us for these educational trips.

LIRA strongly supports the caucus and we have been instrumental in getting some Long Island representatives to join the pro-active caucus which will raise awareness about addiction, recovery and related matters. 

September is National Recovery Month. LIRA hosts recovery month events every year. In the past we have held educational events by partnering with the Human Resources Department at Nassau Community College.  We held these well attended events each September from 2005-2008. Since 2009 we have held a Rock N Recovery celebration in Babylon Township.  Each year providing a DJ, and a sumptuous buffet for a night of celebration while honoring Friends of Recovery and awarding scholarships totaling $4,500.00 to date.  These Recovery Community Scholarship Awards help support deserving individuals from our community with educational goals and personal needs. 

One long term goal is the establishment of a permanent LIRA Recovery Center which would have multiple purposes as a community gathering place with access and/or referrals to all recovery related support services including: housing, clothing, food, treatment and medical referrals, family supports, educational and training opportunities, employment assistance, legal and financial help as well as health and wellness classes and mutual support groups. The center would serve as a comprehensive clearing house for recovery information and would help individuals to prevent relapse and strengthen recovery bonds. The center would be connected to trained Recovery Coaches available to offer personalized peer support services. We have increased efforts by seeking innovative funding sources and meeting with local officials to gain additional support.

After rotating meeting times, dates and locations for several years LIRA has settled on a regular meeting schedule the past few years.
LIRA usually meets the first Tuesday of the month at 10 AM at the Seafield training center located at 31 John St Amityville NY 11701. The training center is also conveniently situated just across the street from the Long Island Railroad (LIRR) Amityville Station.

Upcoming Meeting and Event Dates: Amityville, NY

April 1, 2014
May 6, 2014
June 3, 2014 10AM
July 1, 2014
August 5, 2014
September 2, 2014
October 7, 2014
November 4, 2014
December 2, 2014


LIRA members serve on many boards, committees and community groups including:
Friends of Recovery NY, (FOR-NY) Board of Directors, NY State OASAS Recovery Implementation Team (RIT) NY Statewide OASAS Behavioral Healthcare Workgroup, Suffolk County Communities of Solution (COS) Suffolk County Division of Community Mental Hygiene Sub-committee on Alcohol & Drugs, Suffolk Sub Committee on Veterans Affairs, Suffolk County Sober Homes Oversight Board, LI Regional Behavioral Health Organization Advisory Board, Suffolk Community College Chemical Dependency Program Advisory Board, CK Post Community Advisory Board. June 2013 Richard Buckman has been named Northeast & Caribbean Regional representative for the Board of Directors of Faces and Voices of Recovery. He will represent New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands

LIRA is a 501 (c) 3 Not For Profit Charitable organization. In order to keep our autonomy and the ability to confront any party at any time  on behalf of the interests of our community, we do not receive funding or grants of any kind and sustain our work solely with the contributions and donations of  our friends and membership.  Please consider making a 100% tax deductible contribution.  Make checks payable to Friends of Recovery Long Island and mail to PO Box 262 Franklin Square NY 11010-0262. THANK YOU!

Tell your friends and professional colleagues about LIRA -- and e-mail them a link to the LIRA website.
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